Thursday, August 19, 2010

There are the those with skill, and then there's this

Now, I'm not usually the guy that rubs other writers, I just don't do it. If I give the rub, they have to have done something, seen something, or commented on something that makes me want to give them the rub.

Most never do, so I never mention them in my blog. Nothing against them, I just don't do it.


Not the case here, Michael Grimm stumbled on what quite possibly is the most insane video I've ever seen of Super Mario World. Someone takes the fat plumber, a map editor and makes a level so hard, I wouldn't be able to take one step before I died.

This video shows a guy whose name I don't know, and probably don't care to. This guy makes a level totally dependent on glitches. You have to know how to use Mario World's glitches to survive, this includes grabbing Yoshi and jumping on/off him to get out of lava before he sinks, using the wall to grapple up to a platform, and fighting Big Boo with only moving koopa shells as the means of "floor that won't kill you when you step on it."

Un-friggen-believable. There is no way I could ever do this. I thought i was good at Mario when I beat the Star Road. I thought I was good, when I discovered "Top Secret Area." I thought I was good, until I saw this and realised that I am nothing but a peon.

Good find Mike. There is something though that makes me feel better about this. To begin, I would never even attempt mastery of such magnitude on my own time. This game is nearly two decades old, and at this point simply not worth it. I also know that there are even bigger losers than people who play WoW. I'm not kidding. The time it would take to pull what this guy pulls off, would take far more than jacking up all character classes to level 80. Not only is this guy playing a game that is past it's prime, as far as current generations go, he's also playing it to the point where it's unhealthy.

Damn, I thought beating Super Mario Bros 3 in nine minutes was an accomplishment. That compared to this, is level 1 of the original Mario. That's how simple that is to this.

Hats off to you unknown player. Mike and I can continue to realise our lives are good since yours apparently was sacrificed for nine minutes of pure awesomeness.

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